2013 is shaping up to be a TERRIFIC YEAR! ? ?? and yes I am so STOKED!!!
This post will discuss a new PERSONAL FITNESS record, public appearances and at the end a combination of recent blood sugar postings.
I just finished speaking at the Liberty Forum?last week, thanks to Chris Lawless for giving me the opportunity to share my Diabetes Story as well as my Blog?s Investigation Story. ?In addition to sharing my story to liberty minded people ? I also got to meet two dear online friends of mine, Rob and Tammy Robertson!! ? We only spent a few hours together but it alone was worth the trip! :)
My 30 minute talk at the Liberty Forum (with 30 minutes of Q & A) was recorded and as soon as I can share it ? I will do so. :)
Next up, PaleoFX! ?March 28-30th in Austin, Texas!! ? Click HERE to register!
I love sharing how a low carb, paleo / primal approach to living has helped me and so many others?
Primal Update ? Fitness
? can I brag for a minute? ? ?I know some of you are saying, ?THAT?S ALL YOU DO!!!!? ?:)
I am approaching my 52nd birthday in June and I am arguably in the best health and fitness condition in my life!!!
One of the purported benefits to ?primal living?, is that it keeps you improving your health and fitness levels in a more natural way.
Practically every week I do 2-3 days of intense weight resistance and 1-2 days of intense cardio. ? I mix things up but the workouts are typically 15-45 minutes, I do not spend hours in a gym each day. ?I do use dumb bells, kettle bells, tractor tires, pull up bars, weighted and ?air? squats, plyometrics and sprinting if I can.
1) ?I have not done this workout of ?maximum? ?kettle bell swings, squats and rows since September. ? I expected a slight drop off or more from my September 2012 Personal Record.
2)?When I am seriously attempting a new Personal Record (PR) I always write down my goals, typically with goals for each 5 minute segment. I have that number in my head and I REALLY?push to achieve those 5 minute goals. ?If I make them (or most of them), a new personal record is almost a given.
3)?Below are my notes from my workout. The workout is comprised of two 15 minute workouts with a 5 minute rest period in between. All exercises are done with a 55 lb kettle bell.
The First 15 minutes is only Kettle Bell Swings, the 2nd 15 minutes is alternating Squats and Bent Rows. Notice I made all of my 5 minute goals but two, and I ?just? missed those. :)
The Plan and Execution
The Result of 35 minutes of hell. :)
Back in September 2012, I really thought I had reached a plateau regarding this exercise?. so I left it alone for months until yesterday.
I really do call this 35 minutes of hell? I hate this WORKOUT!! ? until after it?s done, then I LOVE IT!!!
Below are the results of my Plan and Execution ? I blew past all of my previous highs in each category and almost posted a 3,000 lb gain.
38,500 lbs ? that?s over 19 tons, in 35 minutes.
My next goal is to surpass 20 tons.
I?ll leave you with these two pictures. ? The first ? a picture of the Sunrise today. ? I beg and plead with you? get outside and enjoy nature, if you can.
And lastly?. since this is a diabetes blog, I?ll post a recent combination of recent blood sugar readings. :)
I am currently testing, experimenting with Raw Milk ? look for a post about that soon!
Here are primal exercise videos, scalable to any fitness level.
Here are my food posts. :)
Source: http://www.diabetes-warrior.net/2013/03/03/primal-update-i-am-so-stoked/
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