Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Business Workshop to Highlight Strategic Thinking - Memphis Daily ...

VOL. 128 | NO. 75 | Wednesday, April 17, 2013

By Andy Meek

Updated 2:21PM

Next week, author, business coach and strategy expert Michael Synk is bringing his one-day workshop back to the University of Memphis to help business owners figure out how to craft a focused growth plan.

Importantly, that plan will serve as a pattern that helps them think about their operations in a more strategic way than they may be doing now.

The April 25 workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the University of Memphis Holiday Inn and will finish by 5 p.m. The workshop, which Synk also held at the University of Memphis in the fall, is sponsored by The Daily News and the Web marketing and development firm Lunaweb.

Lunaweb president and CEO Dave Barger said he?s known Synk for years and has an abiding respect for his work with business owners.

?There are all kinds of tactics out there,? Barger said, referring to the seemingly limitless number of tactical suggestions that business consultants and coaches often peddle.

?But it?s all in the execution and in the strategy that makes these things happen. Through our sponsorship, we?re encouraging people to take more of a strategic approach, rather than a tactical approach. We just believe in it.?

Synk has spent years as a business educator, coach and consultant. He also puts a big emphasis on making sure business owners understand the importance of alignment, helping them align their strategies, goals and actions into a synchronized whole.

At next week?s workshop, he?ll be teaching from the ?Mastering the Rockefeller Habits Four Decisions? curriculum. That model is popularized by the ?Mastering the Rockefeller Habits? book, is offered through Gazelles International and refers to the key decisions that leadership teams have to get right in order to grow.

Those decisions are focused around people, strategy, execution and cash.

??The Rockefeller Habits? and the ?One Page Strategic Plan? continue to be at the heart of all the coaching work I do,? Synk said. ?The spring workshop is one of the best ways to get an organization aligned, up to speed and moving forward.

?This is a ?working? workshop. You?ll be exposed to great content and expertise, but more important, you?ll act on what is presented and put it to work as you create your strategic and execution plans.?

Synk teaches a set of core principles that are actionable and bite-sized and perfect for immediate implementation. He?s written books like ?How to Create Customers as Loyal as Norm Peterson: The Cheers Model of Marketing,? and he?s packed his concepts into the daylong workshop that will help companies turn their goals for the future into a plan they can immediately begin executing.

At the end of the day, attendees will leave in part with a baseline strategic plan. They?ll have simple actionable tools they can use to improve their businesses immediately, an executable quarterly plan for the next quarter and the balance of 2013 built with their team as well as a team talent review.

Attendees of the workshop also will get a copy of ?Mastering the Rockefeller Habits? by Verne Harnish, printed workshop tools, Gazelles Growth Worksheets and a follow-up coaching session.

Source: Chicago teachers strike september 11 2001 september 11 2001 blake lively serena williams Espn Fantasy Football

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