Monday, 22 October 2012

Reminder: Our Million Member Giveaway is in full swing until Nov. 15


What has one million members and happens to be the best damn Android site on the Internet? You're looking at it! To celebrate this milestone, our Forums admin, podcast personality, and all-around great guy Cory Streater is holding one heck of a contest in the forums. In case you've been under a rock for a week, here's the prize list:

in addition, Cory has a special prize package for long-time members (six months or more and over 500 posts) consisting of a new Chromebook, , a $100 coupon code, a $50 Google Play gift card, and a Lloyd T-shirt from Word is that we're also going to see what Google announces on October 29 and consider it as well.

It's an awesome list of prizes for an awesome community of members, and we want to make sure you have a chance to enter. You do that by clicking the big link below. You don't want to miss out on this one folks!

Enter the One Million Member giveaway!


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